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The Good Stuff


Interesting items for those who share LEL’s enthusiasm for innovative thinking, leading success practices, and resources that provide strategies or data that support change


The Higher Use of Lawyers in a Data- and Tech-Enabled World

Susan joins Karl Chapman of KimTech and EY-Riverview Law to discuss how lawyers can step off the hamster wheel of "lower use" / "lower value" work and assure their relevance in a changing marketplace of service providers. 

Building High Performance Legal Teams: How In-House Departments Are Re-Engineering Value Via New Skillsets and Roles...
Susan explores the changing skill set required for successful legal teams in the future.
A rant on professionalism, and how some lawyers are using it as cover to avoid change ...

An article for Corporate Counsel magazine that challenges lawyers to embrace change as our highest professional duty - to our relevance and for our clients. 

Notes from the Front Lines of Legal Innovation: Susan Hackett (Interviewed by Colin Levy)

Colin may be the only person who is this interested in the trajectory of my career and thinking in the "legal value" space - care to be the second?  ...   :-)

Altman Weil - Law Firms in Transitions 2019

Probably my favorite survey on law firm trends, the study always reveals where the law firm market is moving and investing (in terms of where they place their energy and whether they're changing), as well as interesting feedback on what's succeeding or flailing in law firm practice management.  

Legal Depts by the Numbers - Dec 2015 - Corporate Counsel

Cover Story from Corporate Counsel Magazine on Data, Analytics and Tech in Legal Departments

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